Hello friends! This is my very first blog post ever. Although I have felt a bit intimidated and hesitant to step into the world of “blogging” I have found time + time again that I kept getting a push or a nudge to do so within me. I’m no writer or popular influencer. I am simply a young mum, creative, learning-as-I-go girl who has seen the power + beauty of choosing to lean into our creativity gifted from God. I have personally experienced how words, images, and stories breathe forth beauty, inspiration, understanding, community, that feeling of “oh she feels this way too!”…
This blog is a sort of catch-all for my life. Whether you are a bride looking for flower inspiration, a young mom who maybe feels lost or depleted, or a creative seeker looking for your next project, I hope you find your place here!
Throughout my 25 years of life I have watched this continual thread of creativity woven through my days, weeks + years. I have gleaned the benefits of a creative life in my soul. Through marriage, losing my mom, becoming a new mom, starting my own business, + entering unexpected, sometimes scary, seasons of life -expressing my creativity has brought me closer to the heart of Jesus. It has not only been a gift to me but to those around me.
I have also seen how we are intrinsically designed to be creative (creativity is SO much more than artistic hobbies). I truly believe God has designed each one of us with unique, creative expressions that he longs to see lived out.
Maybe today you are in a place of burnout, exhaustion, or time feels like it is no place to be found. My prayer is that you would ponder the gifts God has placed deep inside of you & that you would have the courage to step even deeper into those passions. I pray moments (even if short) would be found in your day to express your creativity. For me, that has looked like reading a book with my daughter, cooking a pot of bone broth + cleaning the kitchen! Nothing fancy or spectacular, but small moments where I have been present enough to enter into them, looking for how to be creative with my time + resources. These small, sometimes unseen, moments are what create our life, and each moment is a gift and invitation to fully enter into.
Thank you for choosing to be here, friend. Looking forward for what’s to come. I would love to hear what hobby, interest, or expression is bringing you joy in this current season! Please comment below.

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